Sometimes it's time to let go of the past and reinvent yourself completely. With an outdated website, a relaunch of our company's own website was indispensable. This time, however, we did not only want to renew the website, but also revise the entire appearance of the Internet Agency. While the development of strategies for other companies is our daily bread, the development of a new corporate design for your own company is a much more difficult undertaking!
We started with our logo, which hadn't been touched since its soft relaunch in 2014 but was now created from-scratch. The reference to our favourite number 48 remains, although it is not recognizable at first glance. The four in the top left corner is visible via so-called "negative space" and goes directly over into the number eight. The figure eight, rotated to the left, alludes to the sign of infinity.
The website of the Internet Agency is our figurehead. Special attention was paid to the representation of our references. There are now uniform headers and large images of websites, print products, 3D visualisations and the like. The corresponding descriptions have also been overhauled and now explain the individual steps of each project in more detail. The performance of the framework created especially for our website surpasses everything we have created so far. Loading times for individual web pages and images are kept as short as possible via compression and caching mechanisms.