Corona Test Results plugin now with certificates
Our Corona test result plugin now also supports the generation of certificates and the scanning of personal data from a QR code.
Last week, we released two updates for our WordPress plugin that enables management and online query of Corona test results. Many hours of work went into these new features, because not only the implementation itself took time, but also the conception of a data protection-conscious approach beforehand.
From the very beginning, it was important for us not to make any sensitive data freely accessible, especially in such an open system as WordPress, which is why no personal data was stored on the server in the first versions at all. The reason is that WordPress, as an open-source content management system, is a frequent target for bots and data leaks. Saving the data in encrypted form was therefore the absolute prerequisite for us to implement the functionality for creating certificates in the first place.
At the same time, we wanted to keep the process as simple as possible in the already bureaucratic process for Corona test centres, doctors' surgeries, pharmacies and laboratories. We believe we have found the happy medium here: the entry of a randomly generated PIN, stored only in analogue form, in combination with a unique encryption code per installation, enables the decryption of the data and thus the generation of a certificate that can be sent by e-mail or printed out.
The second feature simplifies and speeds up the process of recording data. The most recent version of the official contact tracing app in Germany ("Corona-Warn-App") supports the creation of a profile with one's own personal data. This can then be scanned as a QR code on site during test registration and eliminates the need for tedious and error-prone manual typing of the data. Another step towards simplifying and accelerating the nationwide testing process!
Our explanatory video shows how quick and easy it is to use the Corona Test Result plugin, from installation to creating a certificate: