Apparently, our call to action in last year’s news has paid off! Become part of our next "excuse" and let’s tackle your upcoming project together!
was written there, and ever since, we’ve been busy around the clock. It’s almost Easter already, and we haven’t had time for a new post. From what we hear, it’s the same story everywhere—across all professions.
But what are our "excuses" this time? Of course, there are the good old websites, like those for Holler Druck printing in Durlach, Bär Containerdienst GmbH, or the nonprofit association GUS (Gesellschaft für Umweltsimulation). There’s also last year’s favorite for Deutsche Bahn, led by and in cooperation with Rüdiger Mach from Machidee: a real-time 3D visualization of the Karlsruhe–Basel route.
Time to start the next "excuse": Let’s tackle your project and make it a success together! Just get in touch and let’s get started.