Corporate Design

of the Förderverein für caritativ-diakonische Dienste e.V.

Modernizing the Förderverein

The Walzbachtal-based Förderverein für caritativ-diakonische Dienste e.V. (CariDia for short) approached us with the aim of creating a more modern external image. The association's outdated logo and the entire business equipment - from the business card to the roll-up - were to be completely renewed.


CariDia - Förderverein für caritativ-diakonische Dienste e.V.




Visitenkarten, Corporate Design, Logo, Flyer, Briefpapier, Plakat, Faltblatt


Mockup of the new corporate design on letterhead, flyers, business cards, mug, etc.

Starting point: the existing club logo

There was only a low-resolution graphic that was intended to show the interaction in this joint project between the Catholic and Protestant churches through drawings of the two church buildings.

After several drafts, the design that most clearly shows the community of Caritas and Diakonie was chosen. A circle divided by a cross combines elements that are reminiscent of the Caritas and Diakonie logos, but which in themselves - as symbols of life - stand for the rising sun and the Walzbach stream (which gives its name to the Walzbachtal region). The silhouettes of both churches complete the picture, the name of the sponsoring association surrounds the composition.

The color scheme of the logo is kept flexible, but it is predominantly used with a strong red for the circle segments and a dark grey for the surrounding text.

Mockup of the new logo on facade sign
Mockup of the new logo as a stamp
Mockup of the new logo on banner

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