Corporate Identity and Corporate Design
MyNapCap UG market launch
Brand launch MyNapCap
The entire corporate identity for the launch of the "NapCap" product was developed by 48DESIGN. The idea was to present the product with a bit of self-irony, since, according to Managing Director Stefan Ringleb, this is a rather strangely looking device, fixing passenger' heads to the seat so that they can enjoy a more relaxing sleep on a plane, bus or train. Based on this, 48DESIGN developed the slogan "look silly – sleep smart". In addition to the web design and its implementation, the user manual, business cards, a flyer with product information in a format based on the product design, an explanatory YouTube video and the so-called "HeadBadges" were created.
- MyNapCap UG
- web, print, video
- web design, programming, logo design, flyer, business cards, illustration, video instructions, banner ads
![MyNapCap Logo]()
The logo
After the definition of the MyNapCap mission statement, the logo, colour scheme and typography were developed. The individual letters of the word mark were designed in the style of a NapCap.
Print products
A large number of print products were created. Starting with the usual things such as business cards and (digital) stationery, instructions and a flyer, to the so-called HeadBadges: all print products follow a uniform corporate design.
The HeadBadges are small cards with Velcro strips on the back, which can be attached to the NapCap at the height of the forehead. The funny phrases on these cards underline the self-ironic image of the brand and are supposed to make observers laugh.
The website
In addition to the usual product information, this single-page/one-page website includes its own shopping cart system with connection to the payment provider PayPal. All product images are virtual images of the respective products, which 48DESIGN have visualized in 3D.
Most of the navigation on the website takes place via scroll steps in order to gradually combine individual products with each other and thus create a complete package.
The instruction video
For further explanation of the NapCap and its handling an instructional animation was created. The application of the NapCap is explained step by step with the help of an animated version of the outline illustrations from the paper manual and website.
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