online record book for apprentices

A necessity becomes a virtue

Since our trainee had to keep a report booklet, the idea arose to do this digitally. The subdomain was created to enable trainees from various companies to create, maintain and download their report booklets as PDF files free of charge. As this service appealed to more and more users, a revised version was created at a domain of its own,, and has since enjoyed increasing popularity year after year.


48DESIGN intern





screenshot of the page for maintaining a weekly report

How it all began

All trainees in Germany are united by one unpleasant work: writing a report booklet. When our trainee also had to do this job, we were looking for a possibility to do this digitally - after all, we are digital media designers!

To our astonishment, there was no free service available back then, which is why we created a website for maintaining a report booklet as an apprentice piece (pun intended).

Screenshot of the start page
Screenshot of the editing form

Der öffentliche Auftritt

Now that the creation and editing of report books was much faster and more convenient, this inevitably led to the consideration of whether other trainees could also benefit from it.

A word and a blow - the publicly accessible portal for the maintenance of report books was created.

Screenshot of the premium features


Finished with the training of our apprentice and thanks to growing popularity of the question arose: how do we finance this portal? The fading in of advertising banners appeared as a meaningful possibility to cover the server and domain costs.

A further step was the introduction of an inexpensive PREMIUM version, which extends the portal with useful features such as spell checking or multiple page export. Of course it was important to us that all basic functions remain free of charge! Our primary goal is, to offer trainees a simplified possibility of digital report maintenance, is near and dear to us.

Screenshot Ausbilderzugang

Instructor Access

Over the years, the question came up repeatedly as to whether access for training instructors would be a possible feature. As the number of enquiries increased, the portal was quickly expanded to include a training instructor access service for companies.

Although it is unfortunately not yet possible for all Chambers of Commerce and Industry to completely dispense with the paper form of the report booklet due to bureaucratic barriers, this access at least offers companies the opportunity to check the report booklets digitally before printing, to comment on them and to approve them for printing.

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