Animated Slideshow

for toy manufacturer CRAZE GmbH

Website eines Spielzeugherstellers

For the website relaunch our partner Michael Hugel did for the Karlsruhe-based toy manufacturer "CRAZE GmbH", we created a slideshow module for the start page.

The graphics material and storyboards were delivered by the client. Based on a jQuery plugin, we created an extension that allowed for animation of the different slide contents. CRAZE is licenced for well-known brands like "Trolls", "Finding Dory", "Star Wars: Rogue One" and "Frozen".

A mixture of jQuery and CSS3 animations is being used.


CRAZE GmbH (via Michael Hugel, Ateliergemeinschaft WildeWelt)





programming, animation


Slide "Finding Dory", © Disney/Pixar
Slide "Frozen", © Disney
Slide "Star Wars: Rogue One", © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.
Slide "Trolls", © 2017 DreamWorks Animation LLC

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