Conversion of existing Flash animations

Sitema GmbH & Co. KG Karlsruhe

The end of an era

Due to the end of the Flash technology that had been developed for the Internet since 2003, Sitema GmbH decided to commission us with the implementation of the previous Flash animations in HTML5 and SVG. The purpose of the animations is to clearly explain how the company's products work. Thanks to the now future-proof technology (web standard), the animations can also be displayed on mobile devices in a responsive way.


Sitema GmbH & Co. KG Karlsruhe


web, mobile



programming, design, animation


Responsive HTML5 animations on the website and in smartphone/tablet apps

Mobile Applications

Apps for the two largest smartphone operating systems iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) as well as desktop applications for Windows (Microsoft) were created for use in customer presentations by Sitema GmbH sales representatives. The existing animations available on the website served as the basis. The result was an app with a comfortable user experience and a dynamic language change functionality.

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