Modern website

family practice Dr. Nees in Walzbachtal

Neue Praxisräume - neue Website

The 100th anniversary of Dr. Nees' family practice, moving to new practice rooms and the expansion of the medical team were reason enough to give overhaul the website completely. The redesigned pages reflect the corporate design of the practice in terms of design and colours. Important data such as telephone numbers or office hours are easy to access, and the content can be maintained by the staff themselves thanks to the CMS. The initial texts were created by 48DESIGN using roughly outlined topics and a collection of keywords. A suitably chosen domain for the website increases the digital visibility of the GP practice in Walzbachtal.


Hausarztpraxis Dr. Nees





web design, photography, programming


3D rendering of a tabletop, presentation of desktop, tablet and mobile views of the website

Facilitated process for a Corona Specialized Practice

In order to relieve the practice team in these stressful times of a global pandemic, at the same time increaseing patient comfort, we have developed a solution to allow patients to call up the test results of their corona swabs online.

To comply with the highest data protection regulations, no personal data is stored on the server at all. The assignment of patient and test result takes place exclusively offline via a generated code, which the patient receives directly after the swab. This code can be used to querie the test results online. Alternatively, a QR code leads directly to the results.

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